Upgrade The Things Stack Cloud to v3.18.1
Scheduled Maintenance Report for The Things Industries
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Mar 08, 2022 - 11:30 CET
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Mar 08, 2022 - 09:30 CET
During this maintenance window we will upgrade The Things Stack Cloud to v3.18.1.

We do not expect noticeable downtime during this deployment.

Here is the changelog since the current version 3.18.0:

### Added

- Add HTTP basic authentication configuration to the webhooks form in the Console.
- Show repository formatter code in the payload formatter form in the Console and allow pasting the application and payload formatter code when using the JavaScript option.
- Add `query` field to search requests, allowing to search for a string in any of ID, Name, Description and EUI (for entities that have EUIs).
- gRPC service to Gateway Configuration Server so that gateway configurations can be obtained via gRPC requests.
- The option to configure the Redis idle connection pool timeout, using the `redis.idle-timeout` setting.
- New RP002 regional parameters as options during device registration in the Console.
- Fallback for frequency plan, MAC and PHY version values for end device import in the Console.

### Changed

- The custom webhook option is now shown at the top of the list in the Console when adding new webhooks.
- Wording around webhook statuses to `Healthy`, `Requests failing` and `Pending`.
- The uplink event preview in the Console now shows the highest SNR.
- When scheduling downlink messages with decoded payload, the downlink queued event now contains the encoded, plain binary payload.
- When Application Server forwards downlink messages to Network Server, the event payload now contains the encrypted LoRaWAN `FRMPayload`.
- Integration settings are now retrieved from the read-only Redis replica.
- The Network Server will now match downlink acknowledgements on the `cache` redis cluster (previously the `general` cluster was used).
- Gateway Connection statistics updates are now debounced. The debounce period occurs before the statistics are stored, and can be configured using the `gs.update-connection-stats-debounce-time` setting (default 5 seconds).
- Event publication when the Redis backend is used may no longer block the hot path. Instead, the events are now asynchronously published, which may render their ordering to change.
- The events are queued and published using the worker pool mechanism, under the `redis_events_transactions` pool.
- The length of the queue used by the pool may be configured using the `events.redis.publish.queue-size` setting.
- The maximum worker count used by the pool may be configured using the `events.redis.publish.max-workers` setting.
- Payload formatter form layout in the Console.

### Removed

- Ability to select the `Repository` payload formatter type for end devices that have no Device Repository association or have no associated repository payload formatter.

### Fixed

- Webhook statuses being shown as pending regardless of their actual condition.
- Consistent ordering of entities with equal values for the sort field.
- Fix `xtime` sent to LBS gateways for Class C downlinks.
Posted Mar 07, 2022 - 11:58 CET
This scheduled maintenance affected: The Things Stack Cloud (Europe 1 (eu1), Europe 2 (eu2), North America 1 (nam1), Australia 1 (au1)).