Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 5, 18:00 CET
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 5, 14:00 CET
Scheduled -
During this maintenance window we will make improvements to the databases and servers that run The Things Stack Cloud.
This maintenance will impact only the Network Operations Center and Tenant Resource Monitoring services.
It is possible that there will be some service interruptions during the maintenance window.
If you have questions, or if you experience problems after the maintenance has completed, please contact us at
Feb 5, 13:57 CET
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 4, 22:30 CET
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 4, 13:00 CET
Scheduled -
During this maintenance window we will upgrade The Things Stack Cloud to v3.33.1.
We expect brief service interruptions during this deployment.
Here is the changelog since the current version v3.33.0:
### Added
- Add recvTime field to the decodeUplink input in payload formatters - Add the latest battery percentage of the end device in the `ApplicationUplink` message. - Add live data split view tutorial to the Console.
### Fixed
- Enforce default page limit on AS and NS List RPCs if a value is not provided in the request. - Swapped field order in `RelayNotifyNewEndDeviceReq` MAC command. - `LinkADRAns` MAC command verification when the end device does not support ADR. - Being able to remove all attributes in general settings.
Jan 29, 14:35 CET