Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jun 05, 2023 - 13:00 CEST
During this maintenance window we will upgrade The Things Stack Cloud to v3.26.0.
We expect brief service interruptions during this deployment.
Here is the changelog since the current version v3.25.2:
### Added
- Support for scanning a QR code that only contains the hexadecimal encoded DevEUI. - Add a NOC button in the application and end-device views in the Console.
### Changed
- The Network Operations Center applications and end devices insights are no longer experimental.
### Removed
- Device claiming that transfers devices between applications is now removed. - Related fields in the `ClaimEndDeviceRequest` message are reserved. - RPCs `AuthorizeApplication` and `UnauthorizeApplication` of the Device Claiming Server will now return an `Unimplemented` error code. - `ttn-lw-cli end-devices claim`, `ttn-lw-cli applications claim`, `ttn-lw-cli applications claim authorize` and `ttn-lw-cli applications claim unauthorize` commands are no longer supported and will return an error. - `--with-claim-authentication-code` option for `ttn-lw-cli end-devices create` is no longer supported. - If the DCS does not support claiming for the provided JoinEUI, `ttn-lw-cli end-devices create` will no longer fallback to create devices in the Cluster Join Server and instead error. - The deprecated Claim App (by default available via `/claim`) has been removed and now redirects to the Console.
### Fixed
- Console not applying webhook field masks when creating a webhook from a template that has field masks set. - LoRa Basics Station `PONG` messages will now contain the application payload of the associated `PING`, as required by the WebSockets specification. - This fix enables `PING`/`PONG` behavior for non reference implementations of the LNS protocol. - Fix crash of "Edit webhook" view due to invalid Authorization header encoding in the Console. - LoRa Basics Station 2.0.6 downlink support in the `AS923` region.
Posted May 26, 2023 - 16:11 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: The Things Stack Cloud (Europe 1 (eu1), Europe 2 (eu2), North America 1 (nam1), Australia 1 (au1)).