Upgrade The Things Stack Cloud to v3.19.2
Scheduled Maintenance Report for The Things Industries
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted May 24, 2022 - 11:30 CEST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted May 24, 2022 - 09:30 CEST
During this maintenance window we will upgrade The Things Stack Cloud to v3.19.2.

We do not expect noticeable downtime during this deployment, except for the events storage integration, which will experience downtime.

Here is the changelog since the current version 3.19.1:
### Added

- Allow setting an expiry date for API keys in the Console
- New event type `gs.gateway.connection.stats` with connection statistics. A new event is sent at most every `gs.update-connection-stats-debounce-time` time and at least every `gs.update-connection-stats-interval` time.
- Experimental version of the Network Operations Center. Until the Network Operations Center is considered stable, it needs to be started as part of `tti-lw-stack start all` or explicitly with `tti-lw-stack start noc`.
- This requires a database schema initialization (`tti-lw-stack noc-db init`).
- Button to export as JSON end device `mac-settings` and `mac-state` in the Console.
- Support configurable plugin flags.
- Support for the `FOpts encryption, usage of FCntDwn` LoRaWAN 1.1 erratum.

### Changed

- Event type for `gs.up.receive` event to `GatewayUplinkMessage`.
- Default debounce time for updating connection stats in de Gateway Server (configuration setting `gs.update-connection-stats-debounce-time`) is now 30 seconds.
- Error code when importing CSV file with invalid LoRaWAN or Regional Parameters version.
- Emails sent by the Identity Server now also contain HTML versions.
- For the images in these emails to work, an absolute `is.email.network.assets-base-url` (and optionally `is.email.network.branding-base-url`) needs to be set in configuration.
- Notification emails are now sent through the Notification Service of the Identity Server.
- "Last activity"-information in the Console is now sourced as a single aggregate from the Identity Server.
- End device overview in the Console.
- Showing MAC/PHY versions and used frequency plan.
- Hiding the entity description if not set.
- Showing information of pending sessions.
- Automatically updating session info (no refresh necessary to schedule downlinks after a device has joined).
- Showing session start time.
- The Things Stack is now built with Go 1.18.
- Layout of webhook and Pub/Sub forms to improve UX.
- The Network Server Address used for End Device Claiming is fetched from the configuration instead of client input.

### Removed

- The ability to create custom email templates.

### Fixed

- Fixed adding device address prefixes if it contains characters in the Console.
- Support `app_eui` as alias for `join_eui` in CSV file import, per documentation.
- End devices frame counts being displayed as `n/a` when event stream contained historical data message events.
- Gateway general settings (Basic settings) not saving changes in some cases.
- Contact info validation not possible when user is already logged in.
- CLI not allowing devices to be created or updated.
- End device creation no longer errors on missing application info rights.
- Missing success notification when successfully deleting an application in the Console.
- CLI create commands for applications, gateways and clients no longer have their decoded ID emptied when using the `--user-id` flag.
- Metric `ttn_lw_events_channel_dropped_total` not getting updated.
- Dropped events when calling the Stream RPC with a long tail.

### Security

- Security fix for an issue where the description and list of rights of arbitrary API keys could be retrieved by any logged-in user if the 24-bit random API key ID was known.
Posted May 20, 2022 - 16:36 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: The Things Stack Cloud (Europe 1 (eu1), Europe 2 (eu2), North America 1 (nam1), Australia 1 (au1)).