Switching The Things Stack Cloud TLS endpoints to Lets Encrypt ISRG X1 based certificates
Scheduled Maintenance Report for The Things Industries
This maintenance is completed.
Posted Sep 20, 2021 - 14:39 CEST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Sep 20, 2021 - 14:00 CEST
We are planning to switch The Things Stack Cloud TLS endpoints to ISRG Root X1 based certificates on the 30 Aug 2021.
If you are using LoRa Basics Station or MQTT based gateways (with TLS), please check if the following case(s) are applicable to you and take action if necessary.

LoRa Basics Station
Case 1: You are using only The Things Indoor Gateways: No action needed.
Case 2: Your gateways are configured with the Global Gateway Configuration Service (gateways.cloud.thethings.industries) as the CUPS server: No action needed.
Case 3: Your gateways support multiple Root CAs and one of Root CAs that you have configured is the Lets Encrypt ISRG X1: No action needed.
Case 4: Your gateways support only a single Root CA and is configured with the Lets Encrypt ISRG X1 Root: No action needed.
Case 5: Your gateways support only a single Root CA and is configured with the "Lets Encrypt DST Root CA X3": Action required.
- Your gateways need to be updated to use Lets Encrypt ISRG X1 Root before the 30th Aug 2021.
- Your action involves switching the `cupsTrust` parameter (or `lnsTrust` if using LNS only mode) to Lets Encrypt ISRG X1 Root CA and reconnecting your gateway.
- You can download the ISRG Root X1 CA from this link in our documentation; https://www.thethingsindustries.com/docs/reference/root-certificates/#isrg-root-x1

Case 1: You are using The Things Kickstarter Gateways: No action needed.
Case 2: Your gateways are connected to the non-TLS ports 1881 or 1882 of The Things Stack Cloud: No action needed.
Case 3: Your gateways are connected to the TLS ports 8881/8882 and support multiple Root CAs. One of Root CAs that you have configured is the Lets Encrypt ISRG X1: No action needed.
Case 4: Your gateways are connected to the TLS ports 8881/8882 and support a single Root CAs. Lets Encrypt ISRG X1 is the single root CA: No action needed.
Case 5: Your gateways are connected to the TLS ports 8881/8882 and support a single Root CAs. "Lets Encrypt DST Root CA X3" is the single root CA that you are currently using: Action Required.
- Your gateways need to be updated to use Lets Encrypt ISRG X1 Root before the 30th Aug 2021.
- Please check the documentation specific to your brand/model.

The DST Root CA X3 by Lets Encrypt will expire on the 29 September 2021.
For more information on Lets Encrypt's change of Root CA, please check the following links:
- https://letsencrypt.org/2020/11/06/own-two-feet.html
- https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/production-chain-changes/150739
Posted Aug 04, 2021 - 14:04 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: The Things Stack Cloud (Europe 1 (eu1), North America 1 (nam1), Australia 1 (au1)).