Upgrade The Things Stack Cloud to v3.14.2
Scheduled Maintenance Report for The Things Industries
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Sep 06, 2021 - 12:30 CEST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Sep 06, 2021 - 10:30 CEST
During this maintenance window we will upgrade The Things Stack Cloud to v3.14.2.

We do not expect noticeable downtime during this deployment.

Here is the changelog since the current version 3.14.1:

### Added

- CLI warnings about insecure connections.
- CLI warnings about using the `--all` flag.
- Packet Broker network listed switch in the Console.
- Improved errors for invalid command-line flags.
- Validation of entity attributes in the Console, with regards to maximum length for keys and values.
- Support limiting concurrent data plane application gRPC and MQTT connections by application and tenant ID. See the `resource-limiting` configuration section for details.
- CLI command to decode raw LoRaWAN frames (`ttn-lw-cli lorawan decode`), useful for debugging purposes.
- Options to restore or purge deleted applications, gateways and organizations in the Console.
- Handling of default mac settings values when manually registering end devices in the Console.
- Add a new `class_b_c_downlink_interval` field that can be configured to set the minimum interval between a network initiated downlink (Class B & Class C) and an arbitrary downlink per device.
- Retrieve count of upstream messages from the Storage Integration by end device.
- See the new `GetStoredApplicationUpCount` RPC.
- See the new `ttn-lw-cli applications storage count` and `ttn-lw-cli end-devices storage count` CLI commands.

### Changed

- The Identity Server now returns a validation error when trying to update the EUIs of an end device.
- Network Server no longer accepts RX metadata from Packet Broker if the originating forwarder network equals the current Network Server (by NetID and cluster ID, based on`ns.net-id` and `ns.cluster-id` configuration). This avoids duplicate RX metadata as well as redundant downlink scheduling attempts through Packet Broker after the cluster's Gateway Server already failed to schedule.
- Usability of the end device import function in the Console.
- Show a per-device report when errors occur.
- More structural changes to the process to improve UX.

### Removed

- Packet Broker mutual TLS authentication; only OAuth 2.0 is supported now.
- `request_details` from errors in the Console.

### Fixed

- Generated CLI configuration for The Things Stack Community Edition.
- End device access with limited rights in the Console.
- Parsing of ID6 encoded EUIs from Basic Station gateways.
- Warnings about unknown fields when getting or searching for gateways.
- Internal Server Errors from `pkg/identityserver/store`.
- Console rendering blank pages in outdated browsers due to missing or incomplete internationalization API.
- Error in edit user form (Console) when submitting without making any changes.
- `description` field not being fetched in edit user form (admin only) in the Console.
- Ignore invalid configuration when printing configuration with `ttn-lw-cli config` or `ttn-lw-stack config`.
- Emails about API key changes.
- Avoid rendering blank pages in the Console for certain errors.
- Blank page crashes in the Console for certain browsers that do not fully support `Intl` API.
- End device session keys handling in the Console.
- Byte input width in Safari in the Console.
Posted Sep 03, 2021 - 14:11 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: The Things Stack Cloud (Europe 1 (eu1), North America 1 (nam1), Australia 1 (au1)).